Long Beach
When a person has a BAC (blood alcohol content) of 0.8% or higher they can be booked, charged and arrested for drunk driving in the state of California. Law enforcement will be very tough on anyone facing DUI charges in the effort to protect the public. If you or a loved one is accused of driving under the influence, please contact the Kraut Law Group Criminal & DUI Lawyers, Inc. immediately. A Long Beach DUI lawyer at our firm can help with any type of criminal allegations, including any of the following:
- First DUI Offense
- Second DUI Offense
- Third DUI Offense
- Fourth DUI Offense
- Multiple DUI
- Felony DUI
- Underage DUI
- Breathalyzers
- Field Sobriety Tests
- DUID (driving under the influence of drugs)
- DUI Accidents
- Vehicular Manslaughter
- DMV Hearings
Many people think that facing DUI charges is not that serious. This is very untrue as a conviction for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs can result in years behind bars and in some cases even a lifetime sentence. Do not risk your freedom, your future and your driving privileges, come meet with an experienced Long Beach DUI attorney at our office today to discuss your unique situation. Our DUI defense firm is very knowledgeable when it comes to protecting your legal rights and defending your freedom.
The Kraut Law Group Criminal & DUI Lawyers, Inc. have been helping individuals avoid a possible DUI conviction for many years. Please contact a Long Beach DUI lawyer at our firm to schedule a free case consultation. There are many instances when DUI charges may be lowered or dismissed altogether. In addition, if a conviction cannot be avoided then a Long Beach DUI attorney at our firm may be able to obtain alternative sentencing such as a treatment program, community service and/or house arrest.
DUI Resources - Long Beach, California
- Long Beach Superior Court
- Long Beach Police Department
- Long Beach, California
- Long Beach Detailed Profile
- Long Beach History and Demographics
- Map of Long Beach
Need legal advice for DUI Charges in Long Beach? Contact us today!
Long Beach Office Location
444 West Ocean
Suite 800
Long Beach, California 90802