Pasadena Drug Crimes

Pasadena Drug Crimes involve several different criminal offenses relating to the possession, sale, transport and production of narcotics and related illicit substances. These substances include, but are not limited to, cocaine, methamphetamines, MDMA (ecstasy), heroin, crack cocaine, marijuana, LSD, PCP, and unauthorized prescription medications such as Oxycontin, Oxycodone, Vicodin and Xanax. Like Pasadena Domestic Violence cases and Pasadena Theft Crimes, Pasadena Drug Crimes cover a wide range of criminal behavior and involve various criminal statutes. The following is a list of some of the criminal offenses available to prosecutors and law enforcement:
Pasadena Possession of a Narcotic - California Health and Safety Code Section 11350(a) H&S
Pasadena Possession for Sale of a Controlled Substance - California Health and Safety Code Section 11351 H&S
Pasadena Sale or Furnish a Controlled Substance to a Minor - California Health and Safety Code Section 11353 H&S
Pasadena Possession of Drug Paraphernalia - California Health and Safety Code Section 11364 H&S
Pasadena Transportation of a Controlled Substance - California Health and Safety Code Section 11352(a) H&S
Pasadena Transportation for Sale of a Controlled Substance - California Health and Safety Code Section 11352(b) H&S
Related charges also include Pasadena Driving Under the Influence of Drugs pursuant to California Vehicle Code Section 23152(a).
California prosecutes more drug offenses than any other state, and the prosecutors and law enforcement professionals operating in the Pasadena region frequently file charges alleging drug offenses. Penalties for Pasadena Drug Crimes can vary depending on numerous factors, including the type and amount of drugs involved, whether or not the defendant is accused of selling or merely possessing narcotics, and whether the defendant has a criminal history with a past record of drug convictions.
Penalties for drug offenses can include significant amounts of time in jail or prison, mandatory treatment and/or drug counseling, expensive court fines and other legal costs, loss of driver's license and forced registration as a drug offender. Additionally, many Drug Offenses are felonies which can mark someone for life as a felon and bar them from future employment and housing options. In some cases, law enforcement may attempt to seize property and money if they suspect that it is connected to the illegal drug trade.
There are several defenses that may be applicable in Pasadena Drug Crime prosecutions. In many cases, the drugs may be discovered in violation of a person's Constitutional Fourth Amendment freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures. If law enforcement violated the law in searching for illicit substances, the resulting evidence may be suppressed and the case could be dismissed. This may apply to searches involving warrants as well as warrantless searches of automobiles, clothes and bodies.
If you or a loved one has been charged with a Pasadena Drug Offense, it is critical that you contact an experienced and knowledgeable Pasadena Drug Crime Attorney immediately. Law enforcement and prosecutors often allege that a defendant possessed drugs for sale when they were actually for personal use, which is a much less severe offense. Additionally, there may be treatment and diversion options that a skilled defense attorney can help you explore to avoid jail time and enhanced sentences.
Pasadena Drug Crime Attorney Michael Kraut is a former Deputy District Attorney with over 14 years of prosecutorial experience. He has handled Pasadena Drug Crimes as both a prosecutor and defense attorney and understands the complexities of this area of the law. Mr. Kraut works hard for his clients charged with Drug Offenses to ensure the best outcome possible. Mr. Kraut formerly served as a Senior Trial Prosecutor at the Pasadena Courthouse, and is highly respected by prosecutors, judges and law enforcement in Pasadena as a knowledgeable and fierce defender of his clients' rights.
For more information about Pasadena Drug Crimes, and to schedule your free consultation, contact Pasadena Drug Crime Attorney Michael Kraut at the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers located at 790 East Colorado Boulevard, 9th Floor, Pasadena, CA 91101. Mr. Kraut can be reached 24/7 at 888-334-6344 or 626-345-1899.