Pasadena Theft Crimes Lawyer
The City of Pasadena has recently increased the punishment for theft crimes that occur in Pasadena, California. Because the penalties for misdemeanor or felony theft crimes are so severe, if you have been arrested for a crime that involved allegations of theft, then contact Pasadena Theft Crimes Attorney Michael Kraut. Mr. Kraut is a former theft crimes prosecutor at the Pasadena Courthouse. After opening the Kraut Law Group Criminal & DUI Lawyers, Inc. in Pasadena, California, he has developed a top rated reputation as a Pasadena defense lawyer.
There are several types of theft related crimes that are often charged in Pasadena. The following are just of few of these crimes:
Pasadena petty theft: Penal Code Section 484 defines petty theft of the taking of another’s property and the value of that property is under $400. Often people refer to a petty theft as shop lifting in Pasadena. A first time conviction can result in 6 months in custody and significant fines. If a person a previously been convicted of a petty theft in Pasadena and is then convicted again, then they can be charged with petty theft with a prior in violation of Penal Code Section 666. This charge is the same as a simple petty theft except there is the added element of the previous conviction of any theft related crime. Petty theft with a prior can be either charged as a misdemeanor or a felony. It is with the discretion of the prosecution to determine whether to file the more serious felony or just as a misdemeanor. If you know of some one charged with a petty theft then hey should immediately contact Pasadena Petty Theft Defense Attorney Michael Kraut.
Pasadena Carjacking in violation of Penal Code Section 215. A carjacking in Pasadena is considered one of the most serious theft related crimes. The crime occurs when a person takes a motor vehicle which is possessed by another person by the use of force or fear.
A Pasadena burglary defense attorney Michael Kraut handles all theft related crimes including any Pasadena burglary in violation of Section of 459 of the Penal Code. There are two types of burglary. The more serious type is first degree burglary. The crime is established with a person enters a home of another person with the intent to commit a theft, or any felony inside. The intent necessary for this crime must be proven by the prosecutor to have been in the mind of the suspect at the time the person entered the home.
The other type of burglary is called second degree burglary in Pasadena. This crime can be charged as either a felony or misdemeanor. In order to be convicted of this crime, a person must enter a store with the intent to steal. In order for the crime to be a misdemeanor the item taken must be less then $400 in value. If the person is caught taking property in excess of $400 then the crime will be filed as felony. In some cases the prosecutor will file a Pasadena grand theft in violation of Section 487 of the Penal Code. This crime can also be charged as a felony or a misdemeanor. The penalty for a misdemeanor is up to a year in county jail. A felony grand theft in Pasadena can result in a sentence of up to 3 years in prison. If you or anyone you know had been arrested for a theft related crime, then contact Pasadena Grand Theft Attorney Michael Kraut. His office in Pasadena is located only blocks from the Pasadena Courthouse. His office is located 790 East Colorado Boulevard, 9th floor, Pasadena, California 91101 Phone: (626) 345-1899.
Other types of theft crimes in Pasadena include:
- Pasadena Robbery – Penal Code Section 211
- Pasadena Grand Theft – Penal Code Section 487
- Pasadena Vehicular Theft – Vehicle Code Section 10851
- Pasadena Embezzlement – Penal Code Section 503
- Credit Card Fraud in Pasadena– Penal Code Section 484(e)
- Identity Theft
- Pasadena White Collar Crimes