The City of Burbank is located 10 miles from the City of Los Angeles. Burbank has been growing over the past few years and so has the crime rate. The City is well known for the entertainment industry. It is also becoming recognized as a leader in enhancing their police department. Therefore, the number of arrests has significantly increased over the last several years. If you have been arrested or charged with a crime in the City of Burbank, you will need the assistance of top-notch attorney. Burbank Criminal Defense Attorney Michael Kraut is a former prosecutor who opened the Kraut Law Group Criminal & DUI Lawyers, Inc. to assist people charged with misdemeanor and felony crimes.
The Burbank courthouse is located at 300 East Olive, Burbank, CA 91502. The Court handles all misdemeanor and felony cases that happen in and around Burbank, California.
Burbank DUI Criminal Defense AttorneyMichael Kraut was a prosecutor in at the Burbank Courthouse for several years. He knows what the prosecutor needs to convict a person for a DUI in Burbank. Mr. Kraut handles driving under the influence cases that arise from the Burbank area. Most people are charged in a DUI with violating Vehicle Code Section 23152(a) or 23152(b), driving under the influence in Burbank. Mr. Kraut is a nationally recognized trial attorney who has trained prosecutors and law enforcement officers from Burbank on criminal procedure and law. He knows how to attack the evidence against you and will aggressive handle your Burbank DUI case. Contact Mr. Kraut for a free consultation.
Burbank Drug Defense Attorney Michael Kraut seeks to have all of his clients placed into drug diversion programs. In many cases, the prosecution is willing to alter the charges from possession to sell drugs in Burbank, to simple possession. If that occurs, then diversion programs are available for suitable candidates. Diversion programs could include Penal Code Section 1000, diversion, or Proposition 36 (Prop36), and in simple marijuana cases, Mr. Kraut is highly successful in having the cases dismissed.
Burbank Theft Crimes Defense Attorney Michael Kraut has been very successful in having clients enter a diversion program specifically for theft related cases. These cases are usually for first time offenders, or when the items taken are of little value.
Common Burbank Theft Crimes include:
Burbank Probation Violation Attorney Michael Kraut also handles cases in which a person who is on probation or parole has been charged with a violation. A top notch attorney can make the difference between a person going to jail for a violation, or being sent home.
Burbank Suspended License Defense Attorney Michael Kraut handles cases in which a person who had their driving privileges suspended for either a DUI or because they had a warrant. In other cases, a person can have their driver's license suspended for failing to comply with the terms of probation. Michael Kraut knows how to resolve these issues so that his clients do not go to jail or loose their license if at all possible.
Burbank Hit and Run Defense Attorney from the Kraut Law Group Criminal & DUI Lawyers, Inc. will handle any cases of hit and run that occurs anywhere within Burbank. Hit and Run has become a serious matter in Burbank and the surrounding areas and for that reason, the prosecution is aggressively pursuing these cases. Burbank Criminal Defense Attorney Michael Kraut will aggressively defend you and will help guide you through this tough process.
Burbank Bench Warrant Attorney Michael Kraut handles bench warrant cases for clients who live in Southern California, or may live somewhere else including other states. Contact Michael Kraut to see how he can assist you on your Burbank Bench Warrant case.
Burbank White Collar Crime and Fraud Crime Defense Attorney Michael Kraut handles cases in which his clients are accused of theft, embezzlement, or fraud in the Burbank area. As a former senior trial attorney with the elite Major Frauds Division of the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office, Mr. Kraut knows how to handle a fraud case and knows many of the prosecutors who handle these cases.
Burbank Expungement AttorneyMichael Kraut can help clean up your criminal record. By writing and filing a complex and detailed motion and aggressively arguing your case before the Judge, Mr. Kraut is able to help his clients move on with their lives after they have been convicted of a crime and they now want their record cleaned. When the motion is granted, then the conviction will be removed from your criminal record. Contact Mr. Kraut to handle your Burbank expungement.
Contact Burbank Criminal Defense Attorney Michael Kraut. The Kraut Law Group Criminal & DUI Lawyers, Inc. also has an office in Burbank, California where you can receive a free DUI or criminal consultation personally with Michael Kraut. Mr. Kraut can meet with you to discuss your Burbank DUI and criminal case. Please call the Kraut Law Group Criminal & DUI Lawyers, Inc. located at 2600 West Olive Avenue, 5th Floor, Burbank, California 91505 or call him at (818) 563-9810