Felony DUI
California charges for driving under the influence (DUI) are normally charged as misdemeanors, however under certain circumstances, you can be charged with a felony DUI. If a conviction occurs, the penalties are extremely harsh and could disrupt your life for years to come. Loss of your license, possible job loss, heavy fines and even prison time can all result from a conviction. If you are facing these charges, we encourage you to contact a DUI defense attorney in the Los Angeles area to assist you in fighting your felony DUI. The consequences for conviction of felony DUI can result in sentences in a state prison. Different situations which can constitute a felony would include:
At the Kraut Law Group Criminal & DUI Lawyers, Inc., the attorneys are experienced in these types of cases and can provide competent DUI defense. As a former Deputy District Attorney in Los Angeles, Attorney Michael Kraut has extensive experience in the procedures used by law enforcement, prosecutors and judges as to how they will pursue a conviction for this type of charge. With this knowledge, he is able to apply an appropriate strategy to achieve a successful outcome on your behalf. Our firm has a proven track record of winning for our clients and providing them with a strong defense.
Felony DUI ConsequencesFor a fourth DUI conviction, you may be sentenced to up to three years in prison, along with fines and other criminal penalties.Your license may also be suspended by the DMV for up to 4 years after a DMV hearing. A DUI causing injury is often charged as a felony offense. If you are charged with a DUI involving accidents, you may also run the risk of facing a DUI with injury. The maximum penalty for this crime is up to six years in state prison, if great bodily harm is caused by the accident.
Vehicular manslaughter involving drunk driving is almost always charged as a felony. If convicted of this charge, you will face up to four years in state prison. If gross negligence is proven by the prosecution you can face up to 10 years in state prison.
In order for your attorney to mount a strong defense, you need to contact our office now. With the appropriate investigation of all of the facts of the accident, the Kraut Law Group Criminal & DUI Lawyers, Inc. will pursue every possible defense on your behalf. With over 15 years experience successfully representing our clients in Los Angeles and Southern California, we have a reputation of being trusted and aggressive DUI defense attorneys who will work diligently on your behalf.
Are you facing a DUI Felony charge? Don't delay, contact a Los Angeles Felony DUI Lawyer at the firm for a strong DUI defense.