Los Angeles DUI Objective Symptoms of Intoxication
These symptoms will vary significantly between individuals. Men and women process alcohol and drugs differently. In addition, a person's age, weight and the amount of alcohol or drugs he or she regularly consumes also has an effect on these objective symptoms. Often, drivers read a copy of the police report from the arrest incident and are shocked at what the officer has documented in term of their speech, dress or appearance. Many of these symptoms can be explained by other reasons that are not alcohol related.
DUI Signs and SymptomsThe following is partial list of some of the objective symptoms that a police officer will look for when the officer has pulled over a suspect for DUI. If the officer finds any or all of these symptoms, then the suspect will most likely be arrested for DUI and taken to jail:
- Slurred speech
- Watery, bloodshot eyes
- Smell of alcohol around the person
- Different stories of where the person is coming from when he or she was pulled over
- Incoherent speech
- Slow verbal responses to the officer's questions
- Falling over while standing up
- Stumbling out of a vehicle
- Poor motor skills
- Fumbling with driver's license and wallet
- Poor driving
- Appearance
If you have been arrested or charged with a DUI offense in the Los Angeles or Southern California area, contact Michael Kraut. Mr. Kraut understands the serious nature of this offense, how best to defend you, and how to resolve your case without you going to jail. Mr. Kraut has extensive knowledge of the law and the legal system. He has developed excellent relationships with law enforcement and law officials throughout the Los Angeles and Southern California.
For more information about the various defenses for your DUI case, and to schedule your free consultation, contact Michael Kraut at the Kraut Law Group Criminal & DUI Lawyers, Inc.. Mr. Kraut can be reached 24/7 at 888-334-6344 or 323-464-6453.