Pasadena Criminal Attorneys
Theft offenses committed in California can be charged as misdemeanors or as felonies depending entirely on the amount of the value of goods taken. If the amount of goods taken is over $950 charges will likely be filed as a felony. Given the many shopping and retail stores in Pasadena, many theft crimes occur with great frequency causing significant losses to business owners. As a result, many business owners are motivated to press charges in every theft incident. In the majority of thefts certain legal requirements may be absent or a person may have an available defense to the charge. Those who are accused of a theft in Pasadena should seek the assistance of an experienced Pasadena criminal attorney.
Pasadena Police and surrounding law enforcement agencies in the Pasadena area conduct various undercover operations to apprehend individuals involved in lewd conduct. Police usually target various public places in order to apprehend individuals engaged in lewd conduct. These types of charges can be extremely embarrassing to face which is why it is critical for anyone accused of lewd conduct to contact an experienced Pasadena criminal attorney. In the majority of these cases the matter can be handled completely by the attorney without the defendant having to appear in court themselves.
Domestic violence accusations are taken extremely seriously by law enforcement and prosecutors in the Pasadena area. When dispatched out to a domestic violence call, law enforcement in almost every case will arrest at least one of the parties. Depending on the severity of the circumstances involved in a domestic violence case felony charges may be filed. The prosecution will often proceed with a domestic violence case even if one of the parties are not desirous of prosecution. Retaining an experienced criminal defense attorney in Pasadena from the onset is critical and may make the difference in charges being filed or reduced.
Police in the Pasadena area maintain continuous surveillance for those engaged in illegal drug related activity. Substances that police target include illegal drugs like meth, heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, PCP, and other synthetic drugs. Police and prosecutors pursue felony charges when there is evidence that the drugs were possessed for sales. Oftentimes the evidence used to support a sales charge can be the quantity of drugs alone. In many drug cases police may have overlooked proper procedure and certain evidence related to the offense may be excluded. Anyone who is accused of a drug offense should contact an experienced criminal defense lawyer in Pasadena, CA.
Pasadena police and prosecutors treat assault and battery offenses extremely serious given the fact that they are crimes of violence. These crimes can include both misdemeanor charges in cases that are not as serious all the way to felony level charges depending on the nature and circumstances of the case. In the majority of these cases those accused may have a completely valid defense or justification for their action. Anyone charged with an assault or battery should contact a skilled Pasadena criminal attorney immediately.
Criminal threats is a potential felony and those convicted can be sentenced to prison or jail with extensive conditions of probation. A criminal threat is a threat that involves imminent bodily injury to another. Criminal threats are taken very seriously by law enforcement even when they are made without serious intent. Law enforcement will frequently pursue criminal threats not only in cases of verbal threats but also in threats through other forms of communication. Those who are accused of criminal threats should consult with a skilled Pasadena criminal attorney.
Hit and run offenses can be charged as misdemeanors when only property damage is involved and charged as a felony when an accident involves injury. Police in Pasadena dedicate resources to the investigation of hit and runs and in apprehending those suspected of committing those offenses. Retaining an experienced Pasadena criminal lawyer can make all the difference whether a case is filed for criminal charges.
In Pasadena any number of crimes that are committed against a victim that is over the age of 65 can lead to elder abuse charges. Charges of elder abuse can stem from actual physical abuse or in other cases be a result of financial crimes committed against someone over the age of 65. Many accusations of elder abuse are made by family members who are involved in disputes over money. Elder abuse investigations can involve not only Pasadena Police but can involve the Department of Social Services as well. Elder abuse convictions are treated very seriously because elders are treated as a particularly vulnerable class of victims.
Burglary is defined as unlawfully entering a structure of another with the intent commit a theft or another crime. Although burglaries in Pasadena can involve any number of underlying crimes, theft is usually the most common. Burglaries are very serious crimes and can be charged as felony offenses. Simply returning to a former place of residence to gather items can be considered a burglary if you do not have permission to be there.
Juvenile Delinquency Courts handle cases in which a crime is committed in cities like Pasadena by minors under the age of 18. These Juvenile Delinquency Courts have their own rules, policies, and procedures that is completely different to those in regular adult court. Many of the crimes that occur in Pasadena involving juveniles include vandalism, theft, drug offenses, DUI, and even crimes of violence. Dealing with the Juvenile Delinquency Courts can be very traumatic for the whole family and contacting a skilled Pasadena juvenile attorney is crucial.
Although recent laws have removed criminal penalties for certain marijuana offenses, many crimes involving marijuana still remain a priority on law enforcements radar in Pasadena. Being in possession of large quantities of marijuana, mailing marijuana, or driving with marijuana can all lead to serious felony charges being filed. In many cases law enforcement may not have followed proper procedures or there may be valid legal defenses to the charges. That is why contacting skilled Pasadena criminal defense attorneys is extremely important.
Allegations of theft and fraud are among the most common white collar crimes in Pasadena, however they can include any number of other criminal offenses. Some of the other criminal offenses typically associated with white collar crime are embezzlement, identity theft, and insurance fraud often these investigations target professionals in the community like doctors and lawyers. Often a person may discover that they are under investigation for the first time when police come to their home to serve a search warrant. Having an experienced and skilled Pasadena criminal lawyer involved early on during an investigation is extremely important.
Many embezzlement investigations in the city of Pasadena often involve doctors, lawyers, and other professionals who have had no prior contact with law enforcement. Those who have been accused of embezzlement have been suspected of taking substantial amounts of money from an employer or another party who they had a trusted relationship with. Embezzlement is considered by the courts and prosecutors as a serious offense and in many cases, results in felony charges. Those who are convicted of embezzlement can be sentenced to jail or prison and will also have to repay any money that was taken back to the victim.
Police in Pasadena have made dedicated efforts to fight against the increases in identity thefts. Some identity thefts involve complex and well-organized operations, however in most cases they simple involve the usage of a credit card without the owner’s consent. The crime of identity theft in most cases is charged as a felony which can lead to significant fines, repayment to victims, jail time, or even a state prison sentence. Because identity theft is considered a crime of moral turpitude a conviction can lead to a number of collateral consequences that can impact a person’s employment, housing, or immigration status.
Credit card fraud has been steadily on the rise in Pasadena and has contributed to individuals and financial institutions losing millions of dollars each year. Law enforcement officers have discovered complex credit card fraud operations in which card readers and other programs are used to take information from an individual’s credit card then used in online purchases and other transactions. Due to the amount of losses associated with credit card fraud, police have become more diligent at exposing and apprehending those involved in credit card fraud. Anyone accused of credit card fraud should consult an experienced Pasadena criminal lawyer.
There are numerous reasons why someone in Pasadena may have had a warrant for their arrest issued. Sometimes when a criminal case is filed a defendant never receives notice of the pending charges against them which can lead to a warrant being issued for their arrest. In other situations, a defendant may have failed to appear in court at which time a judge would have issued a bench warrant. Additionally, a defendant on probation who fails to comply with one or more of their terms of probation can also have a warrant issued for violating probation and can be held without bail. Anyone who has an active warrant for their arrest should call a skilled Pasadena criminal attorney who can have the warrant recalled without ever having the defendant show up to court.
Anyone who has a past criminal conviction or who is presently on probation for a criminal conviction may qualify to have their conviction removed from their criminal record. Petitioning the court for an expungement or requesting early termination of probation must be done in accordance with local court rules as well as in compliance with statutory provisions. Anyone considering an expungement or any form of post-conviction relief should speak with a skilled criminal defense law firm in Pasadena, CA.
Robbery is defined as the taking of property from another while using force and fear. Robbery is a serious felony level crime in Pasadena that can lead to a lengthy prison sentence if convicted. Additionally, if a defendant uses a deadly weapon like a gun, prosecutors will likely allege a sentencing enhancement that can lead to even more time in custody if convicted. Anyone who has been charged with robbery should be informed as to what defenses may be available to them by speaking with an experienced Pasadena criminal attorney.
Extortion involves intimidating someone into giving money to the extorter or conferring another benefit to the extorter. Extortion is a serious felony in Pasadena which often involves exposing a secret that would be embarrassing or harmful to the victim’s reputation. In other cases, extortion may involve threats of physical harm for failure to comply with the extorter’s requests. Usually extorters target individuals with wealth and professionals in the community, those who have been targets of extortion should consult with an attorney as soon as possible. Extortion can carry severe penalties that can include a prison sentence and restitution paid back to the victim for all economic losses.
Police in Pasadena frequently conduct prostitution sting operations in order to apprehend those purchasing sexual service and those selling sexual services. These sting operations are both carried out online and in areas of known prostitution. Facing these charges brings a great deal of shame and humiliation to those accused and can negatively impact relationships and reputations. In most cases, an attorney will be able to combat these charges in court without the defendant ever having to be present.
Receiving stolen property is a crime that requires prosecutors to prove that a defendant bought, received, sold, aided, or concealed property that was stolen. Being accused of receiving stolen property in Pasadena is a serious offense that may be charged as a felony and can lead to a prison sentence if convicted. In many instances even purchasing items well below market value can lead to charges of receiving stolen property.
Given that Pasadena has many popular establishments that serve alcohol it is not unusual nor is it against the law to be intoxicated while in public. However, being so intoxicated that a defendant is unable to exercise care for themselves can lead to criminal charges being filed. In some cases, merely obstructing a sidewalk while intoxicated can lead to a charge of being under the influence in public.
Pasadena Forgery
Forgery is a crime that is taken seriously in the city of Pasadena and carries potential felony charges. Forgery often involves the use of a government, public, or corporate seal or someone’s signature in order to commit the crime of fraud. Defendant’s charged with forgery are usually charged with other related white collar crimes. Because forgery is a crime of moral turpitude it may have many permanent collateral consequences.
For more information and to contact our experienced Pasadena criminal defense lawyer Michael Kraut, please contact Kraut Law Group Criminal & DUI Lawyers, Inc. today.