Pasadena DUI and Auto Insurance

For those who have been charged with a Pasadena Driving Under the Influence offense, a key concern is what effect the DUI will have on their auto insurance coverage. California auto insurance rates are notoriously expensive and insurers are known to increase policy rates when they find out about a person’s recent DUI conviction.
A person who has been charged with DUI in Pasadena is not required to immediately report the incident to his or her auto insurance company. There are many situations in which the DMV administrative suspension is ultimately set aside or the criminal charges are dropped. In these cases, waiting to report a DUI incident may be wise.
Auto insurance providers can learn about a defendant’s Pasadena DUI conviction in two different ways. When a person’s policy is up for renewal (typically every six months) the company will run a check of the driver’s DMV record. In doing this, the insurer will learn of any DUI offense or conviction that may have recently occurred.
Additionally, an insurer may be tipped off to a policyholder’s recent DUI incident when the driver purchases an SR-22 policy from the insurer. An SR-22 policy is supplemental insurance which is required for any driver who has been convicted of a DUI offense or for any driver who tries to reinstate his or her license following an alcohol-related DUI driver’s license suspension. If the driver purchases an SR-22 policy from his or her current insurer, the company will realize there was a DUI incident that occurred.
In California, insurers are prohibited from cancelling or increasing the rate charged on a person’s policy during the middle of the policy term. It is only when a person needs to renew his or her policy that the company can significantly increase the cost of the policy or refuse to sell a policy to the driver.
Someone convicted of a Pasadena DUI offense will almost certainly see his or her insurance rates rise considerably. When providing a quote, insurers take a number of factors into account, including the driver’s age, sex and marital status and the make and model of the vehicle. The driver’s driving record, including any DUI convictions, is one factor that is considered by an actuary when pricing an insurance policy. There are many auto insurance providers competing against each other for customers, and a DUI may not be as toxic as it once was. Someone who has been convicted of a Pasadena DUI offense should get quotes from a number of different sources and try to bargain for the best rate available.
Someone who has been convicted of DUI in Pasadena would no longer be eligible for a “good driver” discount for ten years. Those who do have to obtain supplemental SR-22 coverage should expect to pay higher insurance costs, as they would now be considered “high risk” drivers.
Under California law, all drivers are required to carry auto insurance. Many people who are convicted of Driving Under the Influence fear that no insurer will agree to cover them based on their conviction. However, the state has taken steps to address this concern and a person who has trouble or is unable to find an insurer should visit the California Automobile Assigned Risk Plan website. This service is sponsored by the State of California and helps those considered “high risk” drivers find auto insurers that will offer them coverage. Failure to maintain insurance in the proper amounts as well as failure to have an SR-22 policy can lead to the driver being charged with a criminal offense, as well as a probation violation on the DUI case.
If you have been arrested for or charged with driving under the influence in Pasadena, it is absolutely imperative that you go over your case with a Pasadena DUI Attorney right away. As a former Deputy District Attorney with over 14 years of prosecutorial experience, Pasadena DUI Lawyer Michael Kraut is highly knowledgeable about the DUI laws and can answer questions regarding any and all collateral consequences that one may expect. Mr. Kraut formerly served as a senior trial prosecutor assigned to the Pasadena Courthouse and as a result is highly regarded in Pasadena as a skilled litigator who fights hard on behalf of his clients.
For more information about Pasadena DUI and Auto Insurance, and to schedule your free consultation, contact Pasadena DUI Lawyer Michael Kraut at the Kraut Law Group Criminal & DUI Lawyers, Inc. located at 790 East Colorado Boulevard, 9th Floor, Pasadena, CA 91101. Mr. Kraut can be reached 24/7 at 626-345-1899.