Private Investigators
One of the most important tools that a defense attorney utilizes in mounting an aggressive defense on behalf of their clients is a top rated private investigation firm. The Kraut Law Group Criminal & DUI Lawyers, Inc. uses the services of some of the top rated investigation firms in Southern California. They are an all-encompassing investigations firm that specializes in protecting the rights of those under investigation by law enforcement or charged with a crime.
With a great success rate in all areas of investigation, these professionals can make the difference between evidence and facts being uncovered. The have been able to garner a niche as one of the premiere investigations agencies. These private investigators offer professional and highly experienced investigative support, including gathering of evidence, conducting lie detector tests and finding impeachment evidence of key prosecution witnesses. The Kraut Law Group Criminal & DUI Lawyers, Inc. knows that strong investigators are often the difference between a conviction and a dismissal by the prosecution.